Company Office Number: 075526770000
Company Website:www.zte.com.cn
Company Address:深圳市南山区高新技术产业园科技南路中兴通讯大厦
Company Profile (Chinese)
中兴通讯作为核心信息通信设备供应商,积极参与全球5G建设,系列化的创新产品和方案致力于实现客户的极致体验和网络的极致效率,打造最优性价比5G网络。据外部机构报告显示, 2021年中兴通讯5G基站全球发货量排名第二;截至2021年Q3光网络收入全球运营商市场份额排名第二, 2021年光接入及光传输相关产品保持Leader排名,视频系统用户总容量超2亿,市场份额持续提升。 全系列5G电源已为全球45万5G站点提供供电保障。依托“精准云网”和“赋能平台”,中兴通讯积极布局新基建、5G 行业应用及企业数字化转型升级,整体业务显著增长。 数据中心、服务器存储产品、视频会议、云电脑、分布式数据库等核心产品方案在市场得到广泛应用。 目前,中兴通讯已联合500多家合作伙伴开展5G应用创新和商业实践,实现近百个5G创新应用场景。
Company Profile (English)
As a world-leading provider of integrated communications solutions, ZTE boasts a complete end-to-end product line and integrated solutions in the communications industry. Through a full range of wireless, wired, service, terminal products, and professional communications services, ZTE flexibly meets the differentiated and rapid innovation requirements of different operators and government and enterprise customers worldwide. Founded in 1985, ZTE provides services for more than 1/4 people in 160 countries and regions, and supports global digital transformation with innovative ICT technologies. ZTE is committed to a solid foundation and new development, and is committed to becoming a "Driver of Digital Economy." ZTE will continue to improve its core competitiveness, actively empower the digital and intelligent transformation and upgrade of the society, and achieve high-quality growth.
As a core supplier of information communication equipment, ZTE actively participates in global 5G construction, makes a series of innovative products and solutions to achieve ultimate customer experience and network efficiency, and build 5G networks with the best cost performance. According to the reports of external agencies, ZTE 5G base stations were ranked the second in global shipment in 2021. By 2021, Q3's optical network revenue ranked No. 2 in the global operator market. Optical access and optical transmission products remained ranked No. Leader in 2021. The total user capacity of video systems exceeded 200 million, and the market share continued to increase. The full series of 5G power supplies have provided power supply guarantee for 450000 5G sites worldwide. Relying on the "Precision Cloud Network" and "Enabling Platform", ZTE has proactively deployed new infrastructure, 5G industry applications, and digital transformation and upgrade of enterprises, significantly increasing business growth. Core product solutions such as data centers, server storage products, video conferencing, cloud computers, and distributed databases have been widely used in the market. At present, ZTE has worked with more than 500 partners to carry out 5G application innovation and commercial practices, and achieved nearly 100 5G application scenarios.