Kingdee Software(China)Co.,Ltd

电话: 0311-85282150



金蝶国际软件集团有限公司(“金蝶国际”或“金蝶”)始创于1993 年,是香港联交所主板上市公司(股票代码:0268.HK),总部位于中国深圳,是领先的企业SaaS云服务公司。 以“致良知、走正道、行王道”为核心价值观,以“全心全意为企业服务,让阳光照进每一个企业”为使命,致力成为“最值得托付的企业服务平台”。 从ERP资源计划力到EBC数字战斗力,金蝶在云服务领域持续探索,屡获国内外知名研究机构认可,并独揽六项“唯一”殊荣: 1)唯一跻身Gartner 2021年高生产力aPaaS平台全球前十的中国企业级SaaS厂商,获中国第一; 2)唯一入选Gartner云ERP全球市场指南(Market Guide)的中国企业级SaaS厂商; 3)唯一荣获IDC 2020年度SaaS客户满意度大奖的中国厂商,获ERP SaaS客户满意度排名第一; 4)唯一入选IDC 2021亚太区制造ERP SaaS竞争力象限的中国厂商,位居挑战者(Contenders)象限; 5)唯一连续4年获得IDC中国企业应用SaaS ERM市场占有率第一厂商; 6)唯一连续17年稳居IDC中国成长型企业应用软件市场占有率第一厂商。 此外,在IDC2022年发布的《IDC中国EA SaaS 公有云服务市场跟踪报告(2021年上半年)》数据显示,金蝶在中国大、中、小型企业资源管理云服务市场排名第一,金蝶在SaaS EA (企业级应用软件云服务)、SaaS ERM(企业资源管理云服务)、财务云市场占有率维持排名第一,并连续17年稳居中国成长型企业应用软件市场占有率第一。金蝶凭借技术领先全栈可控的大型企业管理云服务及平台、稳定成熟的中小企业管理云服务,斩获三料冠军。 金蝶旗下的多款云服务产品获得标杆企业的青睐,包括金蝶云·苍穹(可组装企业级PaaS平台)、金蝶云·星瀚(大型企业EBC)、金蝶云·星空(高成长型企业EBC)、金蝶云·星辰(小型企业SaaS管理云)等,已为世界范围内超过740万家企业、政府等组织提供数字化管理解决方案。 EBC(企业业务能力,Enterprise Business Capability)是可组装的业务能力,由全球知名IT研究机构Gartner提出,与金蝶等SaaS厂商共同倡导,EBC被定义为企业管理从MRP、MRPⅡ到ERP后的第四代变革,包含链接客户、链接生态、链接万物、链接员工和数据驱动的五大能力平台,帮助企业直面迎战未来的不确定性,构建可组装的数字战斗力,韧性成长。


About Kingdee International Software Group Company Limited Kingdee International Software Group Company Limited (“Kingdee International” or “Kingdee”) was established in 1993. It is listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (stock code: 0268.HK) and headquartered in Shenzhen, China. Adhering to the core values of “Acting in all Conscience, with Integrity and Righteousness”, the Company is committed to helping businesses achieve their growth targets through dedicated services. It strives to provide clients with the most trusted enterprise service platform. With the exploration in cloud services area, Kingdee has continuously received recognition from renown global and local research institutions. Kingdee achieved the following six major recognitions: 1) the only Chinese enterprise SaaS vendor ranked top-five market share in Garnter’s 2020 Application Platform Software; 2) the only Chinese enterprise SaaS vendor selected into Gartner’s Global Market Guide; 3) the only Chinese vendor won IDC’s 2020 Global SaaS Customer Satisfaction Award, ranked No.1 in ERP SaaS customer satisfaction; 4) the only Chinese vendor selected into IDC’s 2021 Asia Pacific Manufacturing ERP SaaS MarketScape, as a Contender; 5) the only company ranked No.1 market share in IDC’s China’s Enterprise SaaS ERM market for four consecutive years; 6) the only company ranked No.1 market in IDC’s growth enterprise application software market for seventeen consecutive years. Many cloud service products of Kingdee have won the favour of benchmark enterprises, which included Kingdee Cloud Cosmic (Composable PaaS Platform for enterprises), Kingdee Cloud Constellation (SaaS solution for large enterprises), Kingdee Cloud Galaxy (SaaS solution for medium-sized enterprises), Kingdee Cloud Stellar (SaaS solution for micro and small enterprises). Kingdee has provided software management and cloud services for more than 6.8 million enterprises, governments and organizations across the world. EBC (enterprise business capability) is a composable business capability that can be assembled. It was proposed by Gartner, a global well-known IT research institution, and jointly advocated with vendor such as Kingdee. EBC is defined as the fourth generation transformation of enterprise management from MRP, MRP II to ERP. It includes five capability platforms that connect customers, link ecology, link everything, link employees and data drive, so as to help enterprises face the uncertainty of the future, Build a digital combat force that can be assembled and grow tenaciously.

