Alibaba Group

电话: 057185022088


地址:中国浙江省杭州市余杭区 文一西路969号 (311121)


我们旨在助力企业,帮助商家、品牌、零售商及其他企业变革营销、销售和经营的方式,并借助新技术的力量与用户和客户进行互动,提升经营效率。 我们的业务包括中国商业、国际商业、本地生活服务、菜鸟、云业务、数字媒体及娱乐以及创新及其他业务。除此之外, 我们的非并表关联方蚂蚁集团为我们平台上的消费者、商家及其他企业提供数字支付服务和数字金融服务。围绕着我们的平台与业务,一个涵盖了消费者、商家、品牌、零售商、第三方服务提供商、战略合作伙伴及其他企业的生态体系已经形成。 截至2022 年3 月31 日止12 个月,我们面向全球消费者的业务产生了人民币8.317 万亿元的GMV。截至2022年3月31日止12个月期间,阿里巴巴集团全球年度活跃消费者达到约13.1亿;其中,中国市场实现超过10亿消费者的里程碑,以及有3.05亿消费者来自海外。


ALIBABA GROUP’S MISSION IS TO MAKE IT EASY TO DO BUSINESS ANYWHERE. We enable businesses to transform the way they market, sell and operate and improve their efficiencies. We provide the technology infrastructure and marketing reach to help merchants, brands, retailers and other businesses to leverage the power of new technology to engage with their users and customers and operate in a more efficient way. Our businesses are comprised of China commerce, international commerce, local consumer services, Cainiao, cloud, digital media and entertainment, and innovation initiatives and others. In addition, Ant Group, an unconsolidated related party, provides digital payment services and offers digital financial services to consumers and merchants and other businesses on our platforms. An ecosystem has developed around our platforms and businesses that consists of consumers, merchants, brands, retailers, third-party service providers, strategic alliance partners and other businesses. For the 12 months ended March 31, 2022, our global consumer-facing businesses generated RMB8,317 billion in GMV. Annual active consumers of Alibaba Group across the world reached approximately 1.31 billion for the 12 months ended March 31, 2022. This included over 1 billion consumers in China, a historic milestone, and 305 million consumers overseas.

