Foxit Software Inc.

电话: 010-50951668




福建福昕软件开发股份有限公司(688095.SH)成立于2001年,是一家立足本土、国际化运营的版式文档解决方案提供厂商,也是国际PDF协会主要成员、中国版式文档OFD标准制定成员,被国家版权局评为“全国版权示范单位”。福昕总部位于福建省福州市,在北京、南京、合肥、成都、西安、深圳六地设有分公司,在美国、德国、澳大利亚、日本等国家和地区设有多家子公司及分支机构。 福昕具有完全自主知识产权的版式文档核心技术,提供文档的生成、转换、显示、编辑、搜索、打印、存储、签章、表单、保护、安全分发管理等涵盖文档生命周期的产品技术与解决方案。当前,福昕直接用户已超过7亿,企业客户数达48.5万以上,遍及世界200多个国家和地区。 福昕在版式文档领域深耕二十多年,始终以“开发市场领先和创新性的版式文档产品及服务,帮助知识工作者在处理文档时提高生产率并能做更多”为使命,深入研究版式文档技术在特定垂直领域上的革新性突破和外延价值,同时积极投入版权保护与管理、标准制定、开源社区建设等工作,力争在国际版式文档核心技术和重要应用领域引领中国方案。福昕建构“快乐与责任”为主旨的全球运营管理文化,坚持走可持续健康发展道路,将承担更多社会责任。


Founded in 2001, Fujian Foxit Software Development Joint Stock Co. Ltd. (688095.SH) is a China-based solution provider dedicated to the Fixed-layout Document industry, with businesses and operations all over the world. Foxit is a partner member of the PDF Association and the drafting committee of China’s Open Fixed-layout Document (OFD) Standard, and has been awarded as the “National Copyright Demonstration Unit” by the National Copyright Administration of The People's Republic of China. Headquartered in Fuzhou, Fujian, Foxit has set up branches in Beijing, Nanjing, Hefei, Chengdu, Xi’an and Shenzhen, and has subsidiaries and offices all over the world, including locations in the United States, Germany, Australia, Japan, etc. Foxit possesses the full independent intellectual property rights of the core Fixed-layout Document technology, providing technologies and solutions for creating, converting, displaying, editing, searching, printing, saving, stamping, form filing, protecting, and safely distributing files throughout the entire document lifecycle. By far, Foxit has over 700 million users and has sold to over 485,000 customers located in more than 200 countries. Foxit’s mission is to develop market leading and innovative products and services related to Fixed-layout Document and help knowledge workers to increase their productivity and do more with documents. Foxit stays true to its mission and has devoted itself to the Fixed-layout Document industry for more than twenty years. During this period, Foxit performs close investigations to find the innovative breakthroughs and extension values of Fixed-layout Document in the specific vertical markets, and actively engages in copyright protection and management, standard formulation, and open-source community construction, aiming at taking the lead in developing Chinese solutions to contribute them to the worldwide core Fixed-layout Document technology and the significant application fields thereof. Foxit adheres to its corporate value of “Joy and Purpose”, and builds up the value-orientated operation and management culture across its global teams. Foxit also persists on the sound and sustainable development, and will continuously commit itself to taking more social responsibilities.

