NCPC Hebei Huawei Health Industry Co.,Ltd.

电话: 13223225910




华北制药河北华维健康产业有限公司(以下简称:华维公司)是华北制药集团健康产业的实体化平台,成立于 1998 年 1 月,整合提级于 2019 年 6 月,改变于 2020 年 5 月,注册资金 3495.52 万元,其中华北制药股份有限公司持股 51%、西安三达生态城置业有限公司持股 26%,衡水宝云建设投资集团有限公司持股 23%。截止 2021 年 12 月底,公司资产总额为 1.46 亿元,职工 204 人,下辖 2 个工厂 1 个商学院。华维公司是国际大健康产业联盟创会单位、中国大健康产业联盟创会单位、全国基层医疗慢病防治工程执行主席单位、全国慢病防治科教基地、河北省数字经济联合会会员单位、石家庄市总工会石工大讲堂健康科教基地。公司先后荣获“河北省科技型中小企业”、“河北省电子商务示范企业”、“河北省高新技术企业”、“国家药食同源及药膳配方食品通用要求标准起草成员单位”、“河北省药食同源试点单位”、“河北省 A 级研发机构”等称号,主持 实施的“5G 云上健康管理项目”入选国家工信部 5G+医疗健康应用试点示范项 目,成为河北省唯一一家入选的医药企业。


NCPC Hebei Huawei Health Industry Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: the company) is the NCPC group health industry materialization platform, founded in January 1998, integration level in June 2019, changed in May 2020, the registered capital of 34.9552 million yuan, including north China pharmaceutical co., LTD., 51%, xi'an three eco-city property co., LTD., 26%, Hengshui treasure cloud construction investment group co., LTD., 23%. By the end of December 2021, the company has a total assets of 146 million yuan, 204 employees, two factories and one business school under its jurisdiction. Huawei Company is the founding unit of the International Great Health Industry Alliance, the founding unit of the China Big Health Industry Alliance, the executive chairman unit of the national primary medical chronic disease prevention and control project, the national chronic disease prevention and control science and education base, the member unit of Hebei Digital Economy Federation, and the health science and education base of the Stone Industry Lecture Hall of Shijiazhuang Federation of Trade Unions. Company has won the "small and medium-sized science and technology in Hebei province", "electronic commerce demonstration enterprise in Hebei province", "high-tech enterprises in Hebei province", "national medicine and food and medicinal diet formula food general standard drafting member unit", "Hebei province in Hebei province", "grade A research and development institutions" and other title, host The "5G cloud health management project" was selected into the 5G + medical and health application pilot demonstration project of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, becoming the only pharmaceutical enterprise selected in Hebei Province.

