Harbin Engineering University

电话: 18853183565



哈尔滨工程大学是入选首批国家“211工程”建设、进入国家“优势学科创新平台”项目建设,并设有研究生院的全国重点大学,是我国“三海一核”(船舶工业、海军装备、海洋开发、核能应用)领域重要的人才培养和科学研究基地。 哈尔滨工程大学现隶属于工业和信息化部。学校前身是创建于1953年的中国人民解放军军事工程学院(“哈军工”)。经过62年的发展建设,学校现设有20个学院,3个教学系、部、中心,40多个科研机构以及150多个科研和教学实验室。学校具有“三海一核”领域主体学科特色鲜明、相关学科支撑配套、专业结构布局合理的特色学科专业体系。 学校是中国船舶与海洋工程大学联盟、“深海工程与高技术船舶”协同创新中心及国际首个船舶与海洋工程创新与合作联盟(ICNAME)的牵头创建单位,是中国“北京高科”行业特色型大学联盟核心成员;学校在船海核领域保持着很强的技术储备,水下机器人、船舶减摇、组合导航、水声定位、核动力仿真等技术居国内领先或国际先进地位,现已成为我国舰船科学技术基础和应用研究的主力军之一、海军先进技术装备研制的重点单位、我国发展海洋高技术的重要依托力量。


Harbin Engineering University (HEU) is one of the national key universities in China. It was one of the first group of universities included in the “211 Project”, joining the “985 Innovative Platforms for Key Disciplines Project” and having a graduate school. HEU is defining her distinctive position in the nation's talent cultivation and scientific research by specializing in the shipbuilding industry, naval equipment, ocean exploration, and nuclear energy applications. Harbin Engineering University is now under the national Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The predecessor of HEU was the Military Engineering Institute of the PLA (Harbin Military Engineering Institute) established in 1953. After 62 years of development and construction, HEU includes 20 schools, 3 departments and centers, over 40 research institutes and more than 150 research and teaching laboratories. HEU has the “three seas, one nuclear” fields of shipbuilding, naval equipment, ocean exploration, and nuclear energy applications, as its main distinctive disciplines, along with related supporting disciplines, with well-developed curriculum structure and support facilities.

