Hebei University of Economics and Business

电话: 87655580





Hebei University of Economics and Business (HUEB), one of the backbone institutions of higher education in Hebei, is a multi-disciplinary university with Economics, Management, and Law as the predominant disciplines, along with Science, Engineering and Arts. With a coverage of over 2,800 mu (about 433.26 acres) and more than 40% green areas, it is located in the waterfront landscape belt of western ecological zone in Shijiazhuang, with the reputation of “National Model Unit of Afforestation”. There are 16 undergraduate schools, three teaching departments(centers), and the Graduate School, the School of Marxism, the School of Continued Education, the School of International Education and the College of Economics and Management(independent administration), along with over 70 substantial and non-substantial research institutes, such as the Institute of Economics, the Institute of Regional Green and Low-carbon Development and the International Business Research Institute of the Central and Eastern European Countries. HUEB now has more than 1,800 teachers and staff members, of whom, more than 1,200 are full-timeteachers, and more than 600 possess senior professional titles. Currently there are more than 600 PhDs or PhD candidates. Open to students from 24 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, the university has more than 18,800 full-time undergraduates, more than 2,600 graduates, 9,100 students at the independent college and 1,800 students for continued education. Both the enrollment and employment are in good trend, ranking in the leading group of higher institutions. In the past five years,HUEB has undertaken more than 90 projects of national social science fund, natural fund, and from the Ministry of Education, and over1,500 other various academic programs. The funding for such research has exceeded 120 million yuan. The approved projects are improving steadily in terms of quantity, quality and level. HUEB attaches great importance to the international exchanges and cooperation,which maintains long-term exchanges and cooperation with institutions of higher learning and educational institutions in over 50 countries including the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, Australia, and South Korea.It is one of the institutions that undertake the training of international students in China with Chinese government scholarships and international Chinese teachers with scholarship.Right now there are over 210 international students from 29 countries.The International Business Research Insitute of CEECs provides strong intellectual support for the “Belt and Road” Initiative and promotes exchanges with the Central and Eastern European countries.The undergraduate education programs between our university and the Concordia University in Chicago are running smoothly, and the level of talent training continues to improve. The joint training of DBA doctoral students between the two universities is also going smoothly.The university has made remarkable achievements in promoting the Chinese culture and Chinese language. It has founded two“Confucius Institutes”with the Kathmandu University and the University of Zambia. The Confucius Institutes at the University of Zambia and the Kathmandu University in Nepal were awarded the“Advanced Confucius Institute”.The Confucius Institute at the University of Zambia was awarded the“Global Model Confucius Institute”. At the 19th Conference of Chinese International Education,HUEB won the“Award of ‘the Belt and Road’International Education Exchange”.


学校现有16个本科学院、3个教学部(中心)以及研究生学院、马克思主义学院、继续教育学院、经济管理学院(独立学院)。现有教职工1812人,其中专任教师1230人。教师队伍中拥有新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选、国务院政府特殊津贴专家、教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”入选者、河北省杰出专业技术人才、省管优秀专家、河北省“三三三”人才工程一层次人选、有突出贡献的中青年专家、省社科优秀青年专家等200余人次。 学校有10个省级重点学科和1个省级重点发展学科,10个硕士学位授权一级学科,16个硕士专业学位授权点,50个本科招生专业。《河北省一流大学和一流学科建设推进方案(2021-2025年)》中,学校被纳入重点支持的一流大学建设范围,应用经济学、马克思主义理论、法学被纳入一流学科建设范围。在教育部一流本科专业建设“双万计划”中,学校共有38个一流本科专业建设点,其中国家级11个,省级27个,占本科招生专业数的76%。拥有国家级一流本科课程5门,省级一流课程38门。学校积极推进新财经人才培养改革,提出了“家国情怀+专业知识+信息技术+职业素养+国际视野”的“五维度”人才培养规格,建立多元联动协同育人模式,开设了“人工智能法学”“金融科技”“智慧工商管理”“数字财会”“数字经济”“智慧物流管理”等6个新财经人才培养改革实验班。学校面向24个省(市、自治区)招生,现有全日制本科生18840余人、硕士研究生2650余人,独立学院学生9240余人。招生就业工作态势良好,招生、就业率均名列省内前茅。