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Digits Enabling Shijiazhuang Economy to Develop with High-Quality

Release:Hebei DailyTime:2021-09-10

To seize the opportunity, embrace the digital economy and achieve high-quality development, Shijiazhuang needs to work hard from the aspects of consolidating the foundation, building a platform, strengthening clusters and improving the short board. At the Digital Empowerment of Provincial Capital Economy High-quality Development Summit Forum held on Sept. 6, experts in the digital economy and related fields attended the Forum on how to seize the new opportunities of digital transformation in Shijiazhuang under the new situation and look for new drivers of economic growth to achieve high-quality economic development.

In order to accelerate innovation, green and high-quality development, Shijiazhuang puts forward the development ideas of optimizing traditional industries, strengthening leading industries and expanding emerging industries, so as to further improve the modern industrial system and improve the comprehensive economic strength. In this context, how to realize the green and intelligent development of traditional industries with the help of digits has become an opportunity and challenge for Shijiazhuang.

For the high-quality development of digital empowerment, the top priority should be to strengthen the construction of industrial Internet platform and the introduction and construction of digital empowerment platform. Zhang Jianguo, member of The Second Decision-making Advisory Committee of Hebei Provincial Party Committee and The Peoples Government of Hebei Province, said that the upgrading of traditional infrastructure "digital +" and "intelligent +" is the foundation to promote high-quality economic development. We should strive to build and introduce a number of cross-industry and cross-field industrial Internet platforms, build a digital professional platform for key industrial clusters, and build potential and enable the development of the real economy. At the same time, we should plan to build Shijiazhuang Institute of industrial Internet, provide a strong foundation and guarantee for Shijiazhuang to cultivate talents at all levels in the field of the whole value chain of industrial Internet, and accurately empower the industrial Internet ecological development of enterprises, capital, talents and technology chains.

Data driven industrial development is an inevitable trend, and industrial brain has become the standard configuration for local governments to develop industries. As the person in charge of an enterprise dedicated to the deep integration of China's industrial brain and industrial big data, Jin Xia, founder and chairman of HSMAP, believes that data empowering the government side can help the government grasp industrial bottlenecks and development opportunities and improve the government's industrial governance ability. Shijiazhuang should vigorously develop the digital economy and use the digital economy to drive the high-quality development of industrial economy and society. It should increase the full opening and sharing of data, governance and the provision of application scenarios.

Let the digital economy become the "accelerator" to promote the quality change, efficiency change and dynamic change of economic development. What else does Shijiazhuang have to go?

Wang Lin, chief economist of Zhenghe island and deputy director of the Central Economic Commission of the Democratic Progressive Party, stressed that we must make traditional enterprises realize that data is the most important factor of production. Originally, we talked about land, labor and other factors of production. In the future, whoever has the largest amount of data will be able to make the most effective use of data, and will become the leading enterprise. Wang Lin said that in order to make the digital economy bigger and stronger, Shijiazhuang must have government policy support, active participation of enterprises and make efforts at the same time.


  • Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
  • The People’s Government of Hebei Province

Executive Organizer

  • China Federation of Internet Societies
  • China Electronics Chamber of Commerce
  • China International Electronic Commerce Center
  • China Netcasting Services Association
  • Shijiazhuang Municipal People’s Government
  • Industry and Information Technology Department of Hebei Province
  • Hebei Internet Information Office
  • Hebei Development and Reform Commission
  • Hebei Provincial Department of Science and Technology
  • Hebei Provincial Department of Commerce
  • Hebei Communications Administration


  • China Electronic Information Industry Development Research Institute
  • China Academy of Information and Communications Technology
  • National Industrial Information Security Development Research Center
  • The Fifth Electronic Research Institute of The Ministry of Industry And Information Technology
  • Center for International Economic and Technological Cooperation Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
  • Chinese Institute of Electronics
  • China Academy of Industrial Internet
  • China Federation of Electronics and Information Industry
  • China Software Industry Association
  • China Association of Communication Enterprises
  • Hebei Federation of Digital Economics

Contact Us

  • TEL: 0311-66611065
  • Address: Shijiazhuang International Convention and Exhibition Center, Shijiazhuang, Hebei
@2021 China International Digital Economy Expo    HEBEIICP No. 19026579-1